NRA Rifle – Instructor Course
$195 with Basic Instructor Training
$180 without Basic Instructor Training
BIT must be completed within 2 years of this instructor training class
This course is designed to develop instructor candidates who will teach the NRA Rifle Shooting course.
Class is conducted at Skunk Rangers Firearms in south Greene County, TN.
Additional Course Detail
This course is designed to develop instructor candidates who will teach the NRA Rifle Shooting course. Candidates learn skills to teach students the NRA’s rules for safe gun handling; rifle parts and operation, ammunition; shooting fundamentals and range rules.
Skills learned in class will be used to teach actual students how to shoot from the bench rest, prone, sitting, standing and kneeling positions. Rifle cleaning and continued shooting opportunities for skill development are also demonstrated.
Prerequisites: Must complete the NRA Basic Rifle course and pre-course test and qualification with a score of 90% or better. Completion of the NRA Basic Instructor Training (6 hour course) must be completed unless you have proof of BIT within the past 2 years
Description: Course is presented in two parts: Basic Instructor Training, and discipline specific instructor training. Students demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises during the course, and complete an instructor certification examination. Students will receive the NRA Trainer’s Guide, NRA Rifle Shooting Instructor Candidate Packet and NRA Basic Rifle Shooting course student packet