NRA Chief Range Safety Officer Course
Cost: $200
This 14-hour course teaches the knowledge, skills and attitude essential to training and supervising NRA range safety officers and developing range standard operating procedures.
Class is conducted at Skunk Rangers Firearms in south Greene County, TN.
Additional Course Detail
Prerequisite: Must be an NRA Certified Range Safety Officer. Course is presented in two parts: Basic Instructor Training and NRA Chief Range Safety Officer training. Sessions include standard operating procedures, inspections, emergency procedures, firearm stoppages and malfunctions, safety briefings. Students demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises and complete an open book exam.
The CRSO must have extensive knowledge of the RSO program, be familiar with range design and use. The CRSO is responsible for developing the Standard Operating Procedures for a working range. In order to accomplish this, the CRSO should be able to look at a plot of land and determine the best use of that property for shooting. This entails understanding land development, including grading and berm development for an outdoor range, or bullet proofing walls, understanding bullet trap technology, lighting and air flow for indoor ranges.